June 2024

Blog, Resources

Blurred Vision

Can work make you sick?

Sixteen years ago I found myself in A&E. My vision was blurred. I couldn’t focus or control my eye movements.

What followed changed my life and my approach to leadership forever. It was frightening and hard and still takes effort every day, but I think it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I\’m sharing this now, not to scare you into taking a break, but to ask what more we could all achieve if we all took care of ourselves too?


🎂I’m 3!🥳

In June 2021 I left my job to set up on my own. 😳

Here are a few reflections on the learning so far:

🪂Start broad: investigate all your options
🫂Don\’t go it alone: build and find networks to support you
🎮You decide: don\’t worry about doing things wrong, chart your own course
🌱Make space for growth: others might see things in you that you don\’t see yourself, and
❤️‍🔥Be audacious and brave: repeat after me, I am someone who can do this

If you\’re about to do something that\’s going to be scary and take courage, then this one\’s for you.

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