Getting it just right
You need to toughen up, stand up for yourself. (But not too much.)
How do we navigate this ‘double-bind’ of conflicting expectations?
Here are a few suggestions. What’s your advice?
You need to toughen up, stand up for yourself. (But not too much.)
How do we navigate this ‘double-bind’ of conflicting expectations?
Here are a few suggestions. What’s your advice?
We broke the glass ceiling, but we forgot to re-build the house. Here’s a review of the latest evidence on women’s leadership
“If only I had just…”
How many times a week, a day, an hour do you berate yourself like this?
Rumination is fact of leadership life and I haven’t yet seen a quick fix. But here are some approaches that might help
“Can I give you some feedback?”
😨 Oh no. What now?
😲 Sometimes it’s a shock.
😢 Sometimes it just hurts.
Reflections on the pain and shame of feedback…and ways to make it just that little bit easier.
😶I used to worry about being indecisive.
🤔What if something I believed to be true was wrong?
😎Now I find that being open to re-thinking my beliefs is a strength.
Some thoughts here on the benefits of asking ‘How could I be wrong?’
The first few weeks in a new leadership role can feel like a daily re-living of your interview… constantly trying to prove yourself. How do I add value now? Am I even good enough?
Some ideas here on rein in the doubts and what to ask instead.
Expanding your network can be daunting, especially in unfamiliar territory. What will I do standing in a room full people where I don\’t know anything or anyone? Here are some lessons learnt the hard way…
How do you lead through uncertainty? How do you keep people motivated, including yourself?
Some reflections here on what you can do when change isn\’t in your control.
What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
Here’s a list of leadership tips that I gathered when I first became a Director more than ten years ago… plus what I’d add now.
One of the most important things we need to do as leaders starting new and bigger roles is work out what our boundaries are.
What are the secrets of work/life balance? Sorry folks, you just have to keep trying.