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Keeping it all on track

As you get more senior you have more responsibility and less control. How do you oversee multiple pieces of complex work when you;re more distant than ever from the action? Good governance is an essential part of the systems and culture you build as a leader. And it’s terribly hard.

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Who is coaching for?

Is coaching for you?


If you want space to think, learn and grow, then coaching might be just what you need…

🪜to stretch yourself
🏋️to develop your skills
🎬to step into a new role
🕸️or navigate this one
🤝to be a team that is more than the sum of the parts
🦢and to lead with authenticity and grace

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Blurred Vision

Can work make you sick?

Sixteen years ago I found myself in A&E. My vision was blurred. I couldn’t focus or control my eye movements.

What followed changed my life and my approach to leadership forever. It was frightening and hard and still takes effort every day, but I think it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I\’m sharing this now, not to scare you into taking a break, but to ask what more we could all achieve if we all took care of ourselves too?

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Spot the difference

I feel a bit nervous about sharing this.

Because I might be wrong.

But I\’ve decided to take my own medicine, and start with courage, not confidence.

So, is leadership in the public sector that different to elsewhere?

I share some reflections here on the differences I\’ve experienced:

🌍 The scope and scale of the things you\’re responsible for
🎬 The peculiar drama of leading within a political system
🤔 The complexity of the problems you\’re trying to solve
🥇 And the struggle to prioritise when you need to serve everyone

I would love to hear your thoughts, experiences and challenges on this 🙏.

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Leading for impact

Delivery is hard. Especially when it comes to making a difference to the lives of others.

🤔 Best practice doesn’t always translate from one context to another
😑 Legislation and guidance is rarely enough to change behaviour
😥 And that\’s before you even get to those who would rather talk about problems than solutions

So how can we Lead for Impact?

A few thoughts here from my experience and from the coaching conversations I have with leaders who are striving to do just that.

Top take-away? Find spaces to share your uncertainties and mistakes.

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The final countdown

Last year I started to share my top ten leadership coaching themes from 2023. Here are the final five 🥁:

💪Courage, not confidence.
❓Questions, not advice.
📖The stories we tell ourselves.
🎬Getting out of the drama
💉Immunity to change.
What\’s your biggest take-away from last year?

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Feeling out of kilter?

🤔Something is a bit… off.

🫤I’m unsettled… out of kilter in some way.

These sorts of twinges can be a sign that our values are not being met in the work we\’re doing.

Perhaps you value personal connection and remote working is making that harder, or maybe you thrive on learning and stretch, but aren\’t getting enough of that in a role that you\’ve mastered.

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