CMJ Strategies

Painted egg face

Who are you, anyway?

“If you took him away I’m not sure what impact it would really have…”

Is that kind of feedback your worst nightmare? You’ve been promoted and after all that effort and fanfare, you’re not really sure what value you’re adding and whether you’re even up to the job. You have the feeling of others watching, arms folded, waiting for you to mess up, because who are you anyway?

That was how I felt in one of my earliest leadership roles. I was brought in from outside, there to set up a shiny new unit, fresh from high profile success in a previous role. But before I had even met my new team I had created entire stories in my head about how much they resented / judged / doubted why I was even there. Being on the back foot like this meant I didn’t do myself justice. Going in with fear instead of curiosity meant I didn’t listen properly to what they needed. It wasn’t all in my head, but I let antagonism from one or two people obscure the possibility of establishing productive, value-adding relationships with others. And perhaps worst of all, it sapped much of the joy out of the work.

Those first few weeks and months in a new role can feel like a daily re-living of your interview where you’re constantly trying to prove yourself to those around you and show them why you were chosen for the job. This can be even more acute if you’re taking a leadership role that someone in the team also applied for or moving into a new context where nobody knows you. Stepping up to a more senior position already brings questions of ‘how do I add value now?’, as the increased scope and scale of what you’re responsible for makes it harder to be over all of the detail. Put that transition together with an ounce of self-doubt and the imposter demon on your shoulder is screaming in your ear.

How do we rein that in?

🧘 Relax. You got the job. You won’t have all the answers yet but you have the right instincts and the potential. That’s what they saw in you.

🥅Take responsibility. The more senior you get the more ambiguous the definition of success can become. Instead of waiting for someone else to tell you what’s expected, start to build a picture for yourself. Speak to peers, identify role models and don’t forget to reflect on what will make you happy.

🩺 Diagnose needs. As you take time to step back and work this out, keep in mind that the ways in which you add value will vary according to the strengths of your team and what they want and need from you. Remember to ask! See the list at the end for suggested questions for before you start, in your first week, and then regularly after that.

🤳Don’t hide your light. Tell your teams and leaders who you are and what you bring but also set out what you want to learn. You can’t expect anyone to know your story. Be intentional: work out what you want to share and with whom.

I did manage to set up that new unit and some months after I left my old boss got in touch to remark on the value of the work we’d done (he hadn’t realised at the time – I hid my light). It was also only when I moved on that a few quieter members of the team expressed their regret at what felt like a missed opportunity. Fear had clipped my wings as as a result we had never really worked out how to fly together.

What steps do you take to establish yourself in a new leadership position? What has worked? What hasn’t? Please share your experiences and suggestions in the comments.

Get in touch with me if you want to reflect on stepping up to your next role or if you’d like support to build your vision for adding value.

Resources: questions to ask your team

📝Before you start: (asking for this in writing can lead to a more reflective set of answers)

  • What’s the core role and objective of your team?
  • What are your priorities for the next 3 months?
  • What short term decisions need to be taken? What needs my agreement?
  • What are the main issues you’re facing?
  • What are the main risks?
  • What improvements are in hand or proposed?
  • What should I prioritise in the next three months?

☕First meeting:

  • Tell me a bit about you/your life so far
  • Tell me about your work
  • What does a good day look like?
  • What about a bad day?
  • Tell me about your team: who are they? Strengths and challenges?
  • Where do you want to get to as a result of this job?
  • And longer term?
  • How do you prefer to receive feedback?
  • Questions for me?

🤙Regular catch-ups:

  • How’s it going?
  • Priorities this week?
  • What are you learning?
  • What support do you need?
  • Staffing issues?
  • Feedback for me?

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